
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas my fellow readers! I'm so excited this time of the year is finally here! May your holidays be filled with love, family and lots of food.
I recently got a new phone, thanks to my awesome boss who gave it to me as a Christmas gift. I love it! It will make blogging easier, so stay tune for more posts from me. Happy holidays!
Plus we got snow on Christmas day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quick Update/Rave Run Recap

Hello again! Man I was on a blogging roll last month that suddenly came to a stop. I had to take a break from running life to focus on my personal business. So what was I up to last month? I quit my job, went unemployed for 4 weeks, then finally got a new job! I'm back on track now and ready to put some more miles in.

That past month also screwed up my running schedule, I had to rearrange my goals along with the races I had planned to signed up for. Hopefully this time around I stay on track.


The Rave Run 5K 
Last Saturday I ran The Rave Run 5K with my friend Jarrah, Kendra and her friend(forgot her name oops!) It was so much fun. People really went all out with their wacky costumes. The weather was great, except for the strong wind. I finished in the middle so I'm pretty happy with my timing.

Me pretending to run -_- 

Kendra and her friend, Jarrah and I

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Burrrr It's Cold Out Here!

Ran Outside: 4 Miles at Kiest Park with Jarrah and Stephanie

Walked Dogs: 2 Miles around my neighborhood

Thumbs up! 
Morning Recap: Woke up to 40 degree weather! Met up with the girls at the park at 6:15 AM. Jarrah and I didn't want to get out the car, it was FREEZING! At one point I was like, "Who does this on a Saturday?" LOL We ran at an easy pace to make sure we all stayed together because it was still dark outside. Going through the woods was super creepy! It reminded me of that typical girl-walking-through-the-woods-alone-then-gets-killed scene. No bueno. 
Me pretending to run =) 
We made it out alive, and after our run I came home to walk Kimbo and Max. I can't believe how many loose dogs there are in my neighborhood  NOT COOL! Thankfully, we didn't get attacked... today. I then went to McDonalds, but to my defense I haven't been there in ages and I was craving a McMuffin. I know it wasn't the healthiest breakfast choice but ehhh YOLO, ha ha!

It feels really good to get all this done before 9 AM and on a Saturday with 50 degree weather. I'm gonna kick it under my covers for the next 2 hours, finish up Gossip Girl on Netflix, which btw is so intense right now. Thanks for reading!

How did you start your weekend? Are you liking this weather?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy National Taco Day!

Today is National Taco Day! Have you had your tacos yet? I'm a huge taco lover. I love tacos just as much as a crackhead loves crack. I usually order them beef fajita on corn tortilla. Add a bit of cilantro, onions, limon, salsa, *guacamole if available* and BAM!! Pretty average right?

Paisanitas to the mouth! 

I almost didn't eat tacos today. My mother was cooking non-taco food. I was like, "How can I NOT eat tacos on National Taco Day?" So on my way back from running some errands, I was determined to eat tacos.

I stopped by this taco place, which ironically is located right next to my gym *Sorry Mr. Gym I shall visit you soon, I promise* I ordered 4 tacos and an Horchata, yum. Because it was Thursday, the tacos were only $1!! DOUBLE WINNING!! They weren't the best, they weren't that bad either but they were under $5, near my house and did the job of fulfilling today's National Taco Day celebration =)   

My mother still doesn't know I ate before I got home -_-

Tacos from past blog posts
How do you like your tacos?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Hump-bate Day!

It's been fun living the bum life. I get to sleep in, catch up on my favorite TV shows, and save $$$ since I kick it right at home. But I'm on week 2 now, should I hit the panic button?

Thankfully I got great people looking out for me. I just have to be a little patient and wait for "the" call.

Can you spot Max?
In the mean time, I've been hitting up the gym more often. I did some cross training today. The treadmill was not cooperating. I got bored so quick, I had to jump on the elliptical then exercise bike to keep it going. Once I got home I made this yummy sandwich. I love to add lots of lettuce and avocado!

Ham sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and brown spicy mustard. yum!
After I took a shower I hit up a presidential debate watch party near downtown hosted by the Dallas County Democratic Party. There were over 1,100 people in attendance. Once the debate started the crowd was fired up and ready to go! I had a great time. 

Picture source: DCDP Facebook Page
Picture source: DCDP Facebook Page

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

While The City Still Sleeps

Today, I woke up at 5AM and couldn't go back to sleep. I laid in bed for about an hour before I headed out for a run. I've noticed that I perform better before the sun's out. There's something about running while the city still sleeps that allows me to feel more relaxed and run for longer periods of time. Once the sun is out and traffic begins to build up, I feel so exposed. All I wanna do is walk home and not be seen. I don't know if that makes sense? LOL
Today there was no sun. Yey for cloudy days.
Half way done. Nice little park by my house.
 I like that around 6AM other people are also at the park! I saw a couple of people walking their dogs, and others jogging by themselves. It make me feel at ease because I live in the hood and it's not a good idea to be out alone, especially at night (or in my case before sunrise.) I still remain alert at all times.

I wear bright colors so I'm visible to cars LOL I hope it helps.

After my run, I took Kimbo and Max out for a walk. I walk them separately and take about 25 minutes with each. As you can see from the picture above, Kimbo was not too happy about our walk being over. He layed there for about 5 minutes before giving up.
Sitting on the porch. He finally gave up after he started to get sleepy. Here he's yawning.

Max's turn! He was a good boy today.
Max chillaxing after our walk.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Late Night Run

Since I slept in this morning, I had to make it up with a late night run. Tonight was my first time running in timed intervals. I usually just run for X amount of time or until I reach a certain X amount of miles. Although it was hard to keep track (most legit runners have watches that track each mile/time but of course they're like $200!), I think I was able to manage. I typed the time/distance on my phone for each split, which btw is hard!  I don't know if I'll do it again, but I hope this helps me improve my average pace.

My average pace was higher than what I expected, of course the warm up and cool down are included. My goal is to run closer to a 10 minute pace. Only dedication and time will tell.... goodnight! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grilled P&J Banana Sandwich

Today's morning run didn't happen, oops! **Gotta hit up the gym tonight** My bed was just tooooooo comfy, I couldn't get up! First thing that did come to mind, as I dragged myself out the bed, was what to eat for breakfast. I had the essentials to make a peanut butter and jelly OH-OKAY-YUUH sandwich. Just as I got started, I decided to chopped a banana and throw the whole thing on a pan!!

Hello, I am a p&j banana sandwich. 
The result was a mouth watering p&j banana bam-in-your-mouth wonder! The p&j melted all over the bread, orgasmic! I threw in an egg with tomatoes because I knew the sandwich alone wouldn't fill me up. I was right. Mission accomplished!

I google(d) this afterwards and found out there is a recipe! [Click here]


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gym Time AGAIN!

Despite hitting up the gym this morning, after work I felt that I needed to go back. As soon as I got home, I grabbed my gym clothes and off the door I was. I did an easy 2 mile walk on the treadmill.

I'm about to eat a quick light dinner since I didn't eat when I got home :\

Monday, September 17, 2012

Muddy Morning

This morning Kimbo and I took a nice long walk/run around the neighborhood. He really liked it, can you tell from the picture below? He was being all macho dog, barking at all the dogs that kept trying to mess with us. The only complaint I did have about him is that he pausing a lot, hence the reason I wrote "walk/run." That prevented me from running for long periods of time, but hopefully he gets the hint next time and keeps running.

Happy tired Kimbo!
Look at my muddy "new" shoes! I knew I shouldn't have worn them out after a rainy weekend (BIG DUHH!!!). I got them about a month ago and had only worn them to the gym. Through the morning I kept cringing as I looked down.

Surprisingly, it was not that hard to wake up this morning despite going to bed past 2am... I don't know what woke me up, but when I did I knew I had to go for a run. I got dressed, got Kimbo ready and 10 minutes later we were out the door! 

I've been slacking on tracking my progress on my blog, but I intend to make it a priority to my readers. I will post my daily runs on Daily Mile so feel free to check it out!! The Dallas Half Marathon is less then 3 months away! I'm excited but I still have a lot of work to do!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Customer Thinks I'm Legit

A while back I asked a customer to write a quick note about his car buying experience. I handed him a yellow notebook paper as I attended another customer. He drove off in his new "used" car and left this note on my desk. I always get a typical short paragraph about how satisfied they are with their purchase but never this. He went straight to the point lol

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Throwback Thursdays!

Here I am with my awesome friends and favorite teacher Mr. deBerry back in 2007. Check out that hair!! I swear I thought I looked cute with that hair -_- 

GMD: Gym, Max and the DNC

Finally I had a day off on Tuesday and what better way to get the day started by sleeping in! But as usual, my mother had other plans -_- "Get up!" "Did you take care of your inspection sticker?" "Get up!" "Blah.. blah... blah..." So I got up and had no choice but to act like an grown up. I got my inspection sticker, paid my car insurance and went to the gym. I know, crazy? I ran on the treadmill and inclined the heck out of that thing. It felt good to challenge myself and pretend I was running up a hill. I also did cycling for 30 minutes. 

After a cold shower, Max and I spend most of Tuesday night watching the Democratic National Convention. 

He loved Michelle Obama's speech. 

But last night during President Bill Clinton's speech, he was a little cold.

Regardless of your political party affiliation, get out and vote! The beauty about voting is that no matter your income, education level or career path, we all get one vote. Get out and vote!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Carol the Corolla Limps to Work

Last week, on my way to work, I stopped at a gas station to pump some MUCH NEEDED gas. I always wait until it's on E to pump gas. Do you to that too?

I was pumping gas when I looked at my front tire, "OH SHIT!!!!" My tire was flat! I always have my music super loud, so I was probably why didn't notice Carol the Corolla was limping :(

Thankfully, there was a tire shop right by the gas station. I had to buy a new tire after they found 2 nails buried in my flat tire. The guy was very quick and helpful (that's what she said....).

And off to work I went...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend Recap: Grubbing W/ Friends and Shopping!

I had a great weekend! It was so full of friends, laughter, and best of all food!! I kid, the best part was definitely hanging out with friends I hadn't seen in years!

I had dinner at Plucker's with Jarrah, Cruz and Armando. Cruz and Armando were PLUCKER VIRGIN but not no more! Instead of ordering the usual waffle fries as my side, I tried their 'Original Ceaser Salad.' It was 'oh-so-good,' I will definitely be trying it again. I was so full but not like 'ughh-I'm-full-I-hate-myself-full' but more like 'happy-full.'

I had breakfast with one of my good friends,Miriam. She was in town since she works in Houston. I first met her in 7th grade at Greiner Middle School. We both took 'folklorico' as an elective. We went to separate high schools but got back in touch during our years at UT-Austin. We had breakfast at Jonathon's, which by the was was my first time. The food is amazing. We did a little shopping, before she headed back to Houston.

Later on that night I met up with ANOTHER friend I hadn't seen in years! Exenia, or as I knew her in high school as 'X,' went to El Tozoncito. This is one of my favorite taco spots in Oak Cliff. The tacos are always full of flavor. We talked about her recent trip to Africa as a missionary, which had me amazed the whole time. I had great time catching up with her.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hump [Off| Day

Late Workout: 

Walked on TM
2 miles/ 40 min
1 incline
Relaxed, watched the Dr. OZ Show

Ran on TM
1.65 miles/ 20min
1.5 incline
Intense, listened to music

I rarely get a day off during the weekday, so I took advantage of the moment and stayed in bed as long as possible. The original plan was to stay in bed all day and get caught up on 'Teen Mom'. I know, super lame. Don't judge me. After hours of listening to Farrah talk crazy to her parents, I knew it was time to hit the gym.

I did my thang on the treadmill for an hour and then got a hair cut. Of course, I went home first to shower then got me a super short haircut. I then gave myself a mani and pedi and off I went to the movies. I saw "The Campaign," with a friend. It was hilarious!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Hottest Half (and 10K)

My friend, Jarrah, and I ran our first 10k at the annual The Hottest Half event.

It all went down last week on a VERY EARLY Sunday morning. I'm not a morning person but when I woke up at 6AM that morning, I was determined to make those 6 miles my b*tch! You see, the night before my whole family came over to cook out. One taco led to another..... and 6 tacos later I was like "fuuuuuuuck!" So I knew this was gonna be no bueno.

This is a picture of me taken around mile 4 or 5. I'm sure I was thinking, "WTF did I get myself into?" or my most frequent thought of that morning, "that old lady is running faster than me!" I finished in 1 hour 20 minutes 24 seconds with my buddy, Jarrah, finishing right behind me. We got a finishers medal too, oh yeah! Afterwards we stuck around for a little bit to enjoy all the free stuff from vendors. I got a free sandwich, powerade, banana, taco, etc. 

Next Year's Challenge: Look like this chick!
Wait not the girl with the hat -_- but challenge accepted!!

Over all it was a great experience but here are some of the things I took/learned from the race.    

1. Run as much as possible leading up to the race AKA no half-ass runs *common sense*
2. Fuel my body properly with the right food AND drink plenty of water.
3. No more eating tacos the night before, that was just dumb.
4. Find a better sports bra.
5. Don't get discourage if that old lady is catching up to me, keep running and finish strong!
7. Type this sentence so I can post this blog and go eat my mom's enchiladas peace!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gym Time!

The rain didn't stop Jovani and I from working out on Sunday. I LOVE watching TV, but I enjoy it even more while working out. On Sundays, the show 'Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition' comes on. This is the second time I watch it at the gym.  The 2-hour show basically follows the life of an individual for 1 YEAR as they try to lose weight. In this weeks episode, Ashley tries to lose half of her 323 pounds by her 21st birthday. The finale had me crying, while on the treadmill ha ha ha. Anyways, Ashley reaches her goal! She celebrates her 21st in Las Vegas, the same day she debuts her new body to her family and friends.
This picture is not photoshop, she seriously looked like that on her 21st birthday! The show is very motivating because through hard work and dedication anything is possible!