
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Burrrr It's Cold Out Here!

Ran Outside: 4 Miles at Kiest Park with Jarrah and Stephanie

Walked Dogs: 2 Miles around my neighborhood

Thumbs up! 
Morning Recap: Woke up to 40 degree weather! Met up with the girls at the park at 6:15 AM. Jarrah and I didn't want to get out the car, it was FREEZING! At one point I was like, "Who does this on a Saturday?" LOL We ran at an easy pace to make sure we all stayed together because it was still dark outside. Going through the woods was super creepy! It reminded me of that typical girl-walking-through-the-woods-alone-then-gets-killed scene. No bueno. 
Me pretending to run =) 
We made it out alive, and after our run I came home to walk Kimbo and Max. I can't believe how many loose dogs there are in my neighborhood  NOT COOL! Thankfully, we didn't get attacked... today. I then went to McDonalds, but to my defense I haven't been there in ages and I was craving a McMuffin. I know it wasn't the healthiest breakfast choice but ehhh YOLO, ha ha!

It feels really good to get all this done before 9 AM and on a Saturday with 50 degree weather. I'm gonna kick it under my covers for the next 2 hours, finish up Gossip Girl on Netflix, which btw is so intense right now. Thanks for reading!

How did you start your weekend? Are you liking this weather?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy National Taco Day!

Today is National Taco Day! Have you had your tacos yet? I'm a huge taco lover. I love tacos just as much as a crackhead loves crack. I usually order them beef fajita on corn tortilla. Add a bit of cilantro, onions, limon, salsa, *guacamole if available* and BAM!! Pretty average right?

Paisanitas to the mouth! 

I almost didn't eat tacos today. My mother was cooking non-taco food. I was like, "How can I NOT eat tacos on National Taco Day?" So on my way back from running some errands, I was determined to eat tacos.

I stopped by this taco place, which ironically is located right next to my gym *Sorry Mr. Gym I shall visit you soon, I promise* I ordered 4 tacos and an Horchata, yum. Because it was Thursday, the tacos were only $1!! DOUBLE WINNING!! They weren't the best, they weren't that bad either but they were under $5, near my house and did the job of fulfilling today's National Taco Day celebration =)   

My mother still doesn't know I ate before I got home -_-

Tacos from past blog posts
How do you like your tacos?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Hump-bate Day!

It's been fun living the bum life. I get to sleep in, catch up on my favorite TV shows, and save $$$ since I kick it right at home. But I'm on week 2 now, should I hit the panic button?

Thankfully I got great people looking out for me. I just have to be a little patient and wait for "the" call.

Can you spot Max?
In the mean time, I've been hitting up the gym more often. I did some cross training today. The treadmill was not cooperating. I got bored so quick, I had to jump on the elliptical then exercise bike to keep it going. Once I got home I made this yummy sandwich. I love to add lots of lettuce and avocado!

Ham sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and brown spicy mustard. yum!
After I took a shower I hit up a presidential debate watch party near downtown hosted by the Dallas County Democratic Party. There were over 1,100 people in attendance. Once the debate started the crowd was fired up and ready to go! I had a great time. 

Picture source: DCDP Facebook Page
Picture source: DCDP Facebook Page