
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Down and Dirty Mud Run 5K

About a week ago I participated in my very first mud run! It was so much fun. Of course, I say this after recovering but had you ask me during the race my answer would of been, "what the F did I sign up for!"

My friend Monica joined me. She was on beast mode and finished before me. I took the "oh I'm just doing this for fun" approach. And boooooooooy was I wrong. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you ever sign up for this type of event just for "fun." It's not.

Okay I'm over exaggerating but you get the picture. It's hard, especially climbing up walls. I have no upper body strength. NONE. NADA. ZERO.

After it was over, I spend the whole day in bed. The end.

Monday, June 10, 2013

May Recap: Running with the BFFs

For the month of May I ran a 5k with my high school friends. We all had a good time at the Heels and Hills Half Marathon event. The course was amazing and the pink shirts were cute. I totally recommend this race.

April Recap: Birthdays, Chicago and More Running

Finally turned 24! I celebrated the most awesome day on earth with family and friends. My mother made tacos and well that's all you need to know. I love tacos. 

Spend a whole week in Chicago, Illinois, with some friends. We toured the city, watched some baseball, eat pizza and had tons of fun! I have so many pictures, so I'll dedicate a future post to this trip. 

I was at the airport waiting on my flight to Chicago, when I heard about the tragic events at the Boston Marathon. Words cannot describe how I felt. Running is bigger than just a hobby or a "nice run at the park." It's a life style and when put together, runners are family. This is what we do. We will forever remember this day and we can not be stopped.