
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Too Hot To Handle 15k Recap

Recently I completed my first 15k at the 2013 Too Hot To Handle event.

This was the first time I ever made it late to a race. I didn't have time to stretch and had to rush to the starting line. I even struggled putting on my iPod, as you can tell ha ha ha!

struggling to put on my headphones LOL 
The first 3 miles are always the toughest because it takes me about 25 to 30 minutes to feel warmed up. By mile 4, a cool breeze from the light rain gave a boost, it was so refreshing. Once I reached the 'half-way turning' point, I felt mentally energized. I was able to catch up to Jarrah by mile 6.

She was having trouble with her ankle and decided at that point to stick with her until the finish line. So we ran and walked for the remainder of the race. I did take my pineapple gu around mile 8 and felt a good kick in the butt. My legs felt strong and my spirit was on high. I finished with a big smile!

The next event will be The Hottest Half in mid August. I decided to go with the 10k distance and will try to aim for a half marathon for mid-September. Happy Running!

I was very touched by this video. I hope you take time to witness her awesomeness. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Goals

With only 2 weeks left until my first 15k run, I'm eager to start training for my first marathon. I spend weeks in search of the right training schedule for my pace. I even arrange all future running events to meet that schedule. I'm so happy my best friend, Jarrah, is joining me along for the ride. But until then, let's plan for July.

More rest.
I fall asleep with my phone in one hand and the tv on. Need to just shut everything off and let my body fall asleep.

Cross train twice a week.
I get caught up trying to hit my goal running pace that I neglect the rest of my body. Need to hit the gym and incorporate upper body strength workouts. 

I put on my iPod and I hate having to adjust it when a slow song comes on. Need to create a fun, upbeat playlist.

It's easy to give up and I will admit to that. I need cut up on "walking breaks."

At the end of the day I need to remember that running should be fun. I can't get to caught up with trying too be the best everyday. 
Wish me luck!